UI violation

I wish I could hand out violation tickets on the web. But since I can’t, I think I’ll rant a little instead.

I don’t know about you, but I get really annoyed when a designer decides to resize your browser window for you.

Why does this annoy me, I asked myself? Am I being unreasonable?

Well, I guess the answer is that I am selfish. After all, I’m the one who chose to use Firefox instead of Safari. I’m the one who chose to go Apple instead of Dell. I installed my own RAM. I installed my own wireless router. I’m in control here, I know what I’m doing. I parse out my screen real estate carefully when I am working. I’ve got a browser window shoved here, a text editor on the other side, Flash windows and palettes all over the place (that’s another UI story), chat windows, email… No wonder I feel stingy with my screen space.

My screen space: that says it right there. I feel proprietary. I’ve gone to the trouble to arrange all my windows just so… and then some cocky designer decides to take control of my desktop and mess it all up for me. Why, I ask you, Mister-or-Mizz designer? Because you authored a Flash presentation that’s 871 pixels wide, and you want to make sure there’s enough white space around it to make it look like Yoko Ono’s living room?

OK, rant over. Thanks for listening. I feel much better now.

Virtual reconstruction

I got my laptop back from being repaired.

I’m a little mixed about mentioning who did the work. I’d rate my satisfaction as neutral – their customer service was abysmal, but the kid who did the work was OK. So, I’ll neither endorse nor diss them – they’ll just be consigned to anonymity.

Luckily, I bought the Apple Extended Warranty, so I didn’t have to pay to have the drive replaced. Also luckily, I managed to back up my user directory to an external drive, so all my Reason and Live files are intact, as well as a bunch of other important stuff.

But alas, I can’t seem to locate all my installer disks. This is worrisome, because I’ve just been asked to make another piece of music for devil sticks. My ideas often get worked out notationally in Finale – and the Finale installer is the one I can’t lay my hands on. The other bummer is that I lost a bunch of Refills and patches from the Applications filesystem.

I’m stuck meditating on how we grow to depend on these silly little, brittle machines, and how much effort it’s taking to reconstruct my little virtual home. Things could be a lot worse, though – so I won’t complain too much.

Resume on line

Stop the presses?

OK, well, I haven’t told you the cool part. The cool part that’s so… last year.

I’m looking at my resume, which is in Word, and I’m thinking, “This is so lame. I’m supposed to be a technology/marketing/creative dude, and all I have to show for all that is this Word document?” So, I decided to rewrite my resume in XML. That way, I can write XSLTs to generate whatever I want. I could even post my resume as an RSS feed – if I wanted to do such a thing.

But seriously – I’m planning on writing a transform that’ll output the vital info from the resume into a format that I can feed into Flash. I’ve also got a plan for writing a DHTML version. Stay tuned…

Unemployed, for now

The Monitor and I have parted ways amicably. Actually, it’s been that way for two weeks and three days, as I write this.

Why the delay in writing about it? Well, look at my track record. It’s not like I post here every day, you know.

But it did occur to me that it would be a cool idea to document at least some of my efforts – or at least some of my thoughts and reactions – while I go through this process. It’s been five years since I was in the job market. Not much has changed, except that there’s maybe a few more opportunities now than in the Dry Gulch days of 2002.

Leave it to Murphy’s Law: my laptop – no, my nerve center – died on me last week. Hard drive kaput, everything else seems OK. Lucky for me, I bought the extended warranty with it. I’ll get it back next week some time, but then I have to reconstruct it to the point where it’s useful. Meanwhile, I’m camping out on my Mac Mini.

Goldberg Variations

I had the wonderful experience of watching Yukiko Takagi perform the Goldberg Variations this afternoon, before going to work. Yukiko and her husband Stephen Drury are absolutely amazing, and I am honored to know both of them.

I wouldn’t be able to write a very studied review of her performances, since I’m really not a live classical music critic (or Baroque music critic, though I may soon be a simple broke musician). All I can say is that I was mesmerized, transported someplace else, as Bach’s spiralling canonic lines snakes their way through my brain in to the deeper recesses. It was very much what my spirit needed to feel renewed in the face of the adversity I am confronted with at work.

Liferay and Tomcat – part 3

But wait – there’s more!

So, I crank up my newly-running Liferay – running in its happy little webapp world, not as the root context, and some funny things are going on.

First: The root context that should be there isn’t there. Instead of the warm, fuzzy Tomcat page with the geeky kittycat graphic, I get a blank page. Hmm.

Second: When I load the Liferay portal, I only get two portlets: “Sign In” and “Hello, World”.

So, I do some poking around as a user. My Tomcat manager webapp comes up OK, so that tells me that other webapps that I choose to install will probably work OK. (Note to self: something to consider trying.)

Next, I log in as test:test on the portal. Well, now, this is cool. I get more portlets. I decide to add an Admin page. I add adminny portlets to it. I decide to add a user. I find a way to add somebody, fill out their info, hit submit….

… and boom. Stack trace.

Here’s a little snippet of it:

Root cause:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/internet/InternetAddress

I go home and sleep on this information. I also download a passel of Powerpoint presentations about installing and configuring Liferay. After reading a few of these, I decide to install the standalone version of Liferay, and play a little shell game of switching CATALINA_HOME environment variables.


I download and unpack liferay-portal-tomcat-jdk5-4.2.2, futz with my environment variables, and as is my usual habit, use Cygwin to run CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh. And ummm….

….boom. She no go. I got a honking database error, having to do with the hsql database.

So I try something unexpected for me, and follow the actual instructions and – in Windows – double-click on the “startup.bat” icon, and let a command shell bat file do the work. (This goes against my nature for a number of reasons I won’t get into here. Yet.) And ummmm…..

Yay, she works! Which just gets me more curious. And look – I see all the marketing stuff I expected to see on my little installation as a standalone webapp. Hmmmm…..

… I don’t see any portlets along the lines of “Hello, World”, but I do see a link where I can sign in. Who am I to argue? test:test, and life is good.

Now, for some mystical reason, I try rejiggering the variables around (in order to write this post), and now the Cygwin startup.sh works. It didn’t when I tried it at home – I swear!

Let’s add a user…. no problemo!

Well, maybe I should leave well enough alone for now. I’ve got two instances running (although not simultaneously), both behaving differently, and the one I really torqued with is not behaving correctly.

I’ll post again on this topic once I’ve actually written a portlet.